Japanese animation now has a firm presence in our media, and so many paths lead back to the cultural genesis of Akira. Hollywood began to sit up and pay attention after teens began abandoning the pap of the day like Last Action Hero, and started seeking out something different, dissident, and Akira finally had its audience. Rather than suffering the humiliation of being advertised, Akira filtered, like a software virus, into the bedrooms of what would become Generation X. Oddly, this made its influence even more profound, benefiting from 'word of mouth' and the influx of cheap VHS at the end of the Eighties. Its impact is made more difficult to judge, though, given that it was made more than sixteen years ago, and didn't make an initial impact outside of Japan. 'Akira' is an astonishingly influential film, easily as much so as cinema's touchstones Citizen Kane and Pulp Fiction. Telekinesis/Psychokinesis/Telepathy Movies :- ġ1. Thrillers featuring Disabled Individuals :- ĩ. Entertaining B Movies with Ridiculous Plots :- ħ. ******Other Similar Lists about Entertaining Movies*****ġ. Animated Cartoon Movies for Grown Ups or Adults.